Holding my "before" favorite shirt after losing 125 pounds on my journey to better health.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Stand by Me!

As I was out walking the other day the song, "Stand by Me" came on the radio and my mind was immediately flooded with memories of another time I heard that song.  One of the many tasks I was asked to do to help me continue on my recovery of Narcotic addiction was to attend at least 3 meetings a week at the local chapter of NA(narcotics anonymous.)  I decided when I started on this journey that I would do EVERYTHING I could to become well.  I did go almost every day for the year that they asked me to complete. I went and listened, wept, read, and was overwhelmed by the many stories that had brought others to those doors.  I learned many things there. I learned that every family is touched by addiction. Every age, gender, rich, poor, sweet mothers, hard working fathers, sons, daughters, young, old, grandpas, and granny's. It is everywhere.  Our Chapter was sponsoring a convention to bring in speakers who had fought the battle of addiction and were living the life of recovery. I decided to go and learn what I could. At the end of the day there was a general meeting for all those in attendance. The large ballroom was full of people in different degrees of addiction. They asked all of us to stand  in a large circle and hold hands with those on both sides of us. The granny holding hands with the large bald headed tattooed biker who was holding hands with the shaking 17 year old girl who was clean for 2 days. Every walk of life was in that circle. There was silence then the music began. "Stand by me'" softly played as we continued to hold hands and look into each other's faces. It was a very powerful moment.
      I have seen many of the people in that circle go on to reclaim the lives that they had  lost and do great things. Sadly many of them continue  fighting their addictions. Some are in jail. Quite a few have passed.   I know that much of my strength comes from my great family who stand by me every step of this journey. For that I am truly blessed.


  1. Beautifully written. Thank you for sharing this. I lost my sweet daughter to addiction . It will be 3 years October 11th.

    1. I am so sorry. I know a lot of people who are addicted just don't know the danger and don't know of the hurt it brings to their family.

  2. {{hugs}} to Browneyedgirl. Addiction touches us all, young, old, cool, nerdy, or whatever. It sneaks up and grabs you and won't let go. Everyone should read the above. Thanks for sharing Mama Dodge ~

  3. Funny how things happen in life. I was just saying to a friend today that I battle addiction everyday, we all do, although we don't name it as such, or admit it to ourselves. I continue to be clean of a narcotics addiction for 13 years now, It is hard to imagine it's been that long. I still have an over weight problem that I battle everyday. Because of diabetes, the doctor say's that several of the medications continue to not allow my body to loose but actually gain weight. I awake determined everyday to not loose this battle. If I am aware of where I am with my addiction to food or as some would like to call them "Food Allergies" just another fancy word for addiction in my book, then I feel like in a way that in itself is winning. Ooops, so I had a moment of weakness that only a donut could fill. Well guess what? I'll just get over myself and do as good as I can do tomorrow. I don't ask for any support from family members anymore.....they just don't understand the struggle. I've tried all the diets, each one as much a failure as the other, until I started eating vegetarian. No applause please.......sometimes I just have to have a bite of chicken, and who doesn't love a mouth watering steak cooked to order? Trust me when I say not one day at a time, but one meal at a time. The satisfaction for me is my awareness. I apologized the other day to my husband for being overweight, when we were planning a trip to see some of his family that I had never met. Why? Is my weight who I am? Does that reflect some image to others that I am a person who doesn't care or is not committed? I stumbled across this e-mail, maybe or maybe not, but it gave me some extra strength and some hope, that things could get turned around for me as well as it has for Laurel. For that I thank you !

    1. Vickie, it is a one moment at a time battle sometimes. I wish I knew the magic to help you feel better about yourself. You have fought a battle with narcotic I know you can do this. Being aware of why you eat is great. I know I am a stress eater and have had to find other ways to cope. I had to learn that if I wanted to be healthy I had to stop worrying about what others thought of me. The hardest thing was wearing a swimsuit but I knew I had to do it for me and my health. I am so glad I have given you extra strength and hope. It is really hard work but I know it can be done....

  4. Hi, there is no place to email a message on your blog - I'm 61 with all the issues (diabetes, high blood pressure, 1 heart stent so far)....and have given up pretty much due to my age and all the skin that would be an issue with weight loss....looking at your age gives me hope - would love more information on how you actually made it - what food program and more ;-) any help is appreciated! I don't think it's a coincidence I found this post today.

    1. Linda, If you have a chance to read through my other blog posts you will find the answer to many of your questions. Yes it will be harder at your age,(I just turned 60) and you will have skin that is an issue. My friends and I call the skin and wrinkles "battle scars." You will feel so much better both mentally and physically. Hope this helps.

  5. interesting I saw this today - I struggle with addiction to food. Feeling depressed and seeing this today maybe a bit more optimistic.

  6. Found you through FLYlady... loving the stories! Very motivational! I'm trying to lose my extra layers too...Just taking it a day at a time.

  7. Linda, in 2003, I lost over 100 pounds and have kept it off since then. I don't think what plan you use is the big issue. With me, it was just Weight Watchers, but I never did do the plan exactly the way they said to do it. Before I started, I gave myself permission to "go off the plan" one day each week. If there was something that I wanted to eat that the plan didn't allow for, I ate it. You have to change your eating for the most part to be able to lose weight. Good luck in your weight loss.

  8. Brenda, that is true. You have to find what works for you. For me the first 50 was no white foods. Breads, pasta, rice, etc..Then my wt. stayed the same for about 9 months so decided to join Weight Watchers. I now work for them as a receptionist because I wanted to be accountable about keeping my weight off. I think the important thing is your mind set instead of the plan. Just do it as natural and healthy as you can.
