I have been looking back at this past year and it has been a bittersweet experience for me. I started the year off with a bang as a new Weight Watcher leader on the very first Saturday after the new year. That is when many people decide to begin on their own personal healthy journey. I had gone through (what to my brain seemed like a whirl wind training) and there I was. In front of a group of people who had come for help and motivation to lose weight. I jumped in and have never looked back. I have met many, many incredible people. I have watched the struggles to get control of bad eating habit and the rewards of feeling better. Not everyone has continued on and that is okay. You need to be ready to fight the battle for your life. It is not easy. I know. I have laughed, cried, and learned so much from my new friends. I have really enjoyed it and look forward to continuing the laughing, learning, and helping each other to be healthy. This time when I began my journey I did find success with Weight Watcher but I think if you find something that works for you that would be awesome.
I was able to go on a trip with my husband and found a place that enchanted me. I could live there the rest of my life but would miss my family. We now all live within 10 miles of each other so we are able to see each other often. Like I have said before, bloom where you are planted. (just visit paradise once in a while) Many people have told me the same thing about my home town of St. George so I am lucky to live in one type of paradise and visit another.
Bittersweet. I lost a dear aunt. Aunt Myrl was the anchor for our family. She would call me several times a year and when we were done I would know everything about everybody. (even some family I don't remember.) She was a little bundle of dynamite and a joy to all of us. The sweet was that at her funeral I was able to see and visit with many family members I have not seen in many years.
Also bittersweet was the sad loss of my sweet little daughter in law's mom. Queen Tonya. She was a unique, one of a kind special lady. I prayed each day to know how to help and support her family as they were going though her sudden illness and passing. They all were so wonderful to her and helped her to be able to pass in comfort. They all miss her terribly. They are going through all the first holidays. Something that Tonya was always so fun to go all out for. There is a great sadness in them at this time. The sweet is to watch how strong they are and how they are able to honor her and remember her by carrying on her traditions. It is a hard thing to lose your mother.
I have continued on my healthy journey and have been able to maintain my weight. Even losing about 10 lbs. I am down between 125-130 lbs. (depending on the day) I know that I need to keep control of my weight for the rest of my life or all my old "friends" (diseases) will move back in. I am pretty proud in saying I have only seen my personal Dr. once this year. I saw him at my annual physical. He still says I am his, "one in a million" patient. I was able to complete the St. George Half marathon but bronchitis kept me from doing the other one I had planned on doing. Every once in a while I get a little thought in my mind to get training again but so far I have been able to beat it down. Maybe, who knows? I continue to walk and exercise and enjoy being able to move. I recently cleaned up the leaves that had fallen from our huge fruitless Mulberry Tree. I paid the price for several days after with stiff sore muscles. But it was worth it. The joy of being out in the air, moving, accomplishing, and sweating were worth it.
Many other wonderful days were enjoyed throughout this year. I look back with the knowledge that If I had not started my healthy journey there would be a good chance that I would not still be here. I forget how sick I was and when I read some of my blog posts I am shocked and horrified of how sick I allowed MYSELF to be. It is easy to neglect yourself or put off doing the things you need to do to take care of yourself. I was able to have a second chance. I have had to work hard everyday of this journey but the Miracles I have been given make every moment of it worth it. Thank you for allowing me to share my journey with you.

Holding my "before" favorite shirt after losing 125 pounds on my journey to better health.
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Sunday, December 28, 2014
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Spread a little Joy.
We are once again in the middle of the Christmas season. Each year I like to watch and wait to see if there is something special I can do to help someone have a little more joy in their heart this time of year. This year I have been acknowledging people who have given me random acts of kindness. I want them to know that to me it means a lot when they do something kind. A few days ago I was walking into a gas and goodie type store to get me a drink. As I approached the door a gentleman jumped ahead of me and opened the door with a cheerful, "please let me get that for you." I told him thank you and want on to get my drink. As I was paying I noticed the man in line right behind me. He was holding a refillable coffee mug and another cup of coffee. On impulse I told the cashier that I would like to pay for his coffee because he had been such a gentleman to get the door. She told me that she sees people come in all day and literally slam the door in other peoples faces that are coming in behind them. I paid and left with him calling out, "thank you." Today I returned to that same store. The cashier as I went to pay told me that my drink was already paid for. The gentleman had come back later and paid for my drink and asked her to make sure I got it the next time I came in. She then explained about why I had paid for his coffee. He just couldn't believe that someone had paid for his coffee for being polite. I hope it spread a little joy into his day. It gave me a lot of joy to think about his reaction. I guess it gave quite a bit of joy to the cashier too. Three people had a moment of joy. Not bad for a two dollar investment.
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
I have told you many times that I had to learn to ignore stares, comments, and my own stinkin thinkin. It was hard. I thought I had that in pretty good control but something happened the other day that has really bothered me.(and shouldn't) I was loading stuff into my trunk at the store and a great big truck roars up and pulls next to me. The man rolls down his window and says something that I can't quite hear because his truck is still on. I smile and continue on with what I'm doing. He then gets out of his truck and says. "I really like your sunglasses, it takes a REAL woman to wear glasses like that!" Now this was not a young man who might say something thinking he was cute. He was probably as OLD as I AM. I smiled and got into my car and left. Then the stinkin thinkin came into play. Was he making fun of my glasses? Do I look stupid and he was trying to tell me in a nice way? Was he sincere? Am I to old to wear glasses like these? You know what we do. So then I decided to ask some on my boys if they thought it was an insult or compliment. They all said I look fine in my glasses.( but they have to say that they are family) Those of you that live in my area know that I have worn big white sunglasses for years. I feel like it is part of who I am. Once in a while I have a pair that is a different color. Blue, pink, green ..... but usually white. As I am writing and trying to work through this I will continue wearing my BIG WHITE sunglasses and take what he said as a compliment. I too really like my sunglasses.
Winter Fun? |
My "sister" Marla and I |
About 100 lbs. lost |
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