Holding my "before" favorite shirt after losing 125 pounds on my journey to better health.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


I have Fibromyalgia. I have chronic carpel tunnel syndrome. I have pronater terres syndrome.  But I refuse to let them have me. Many times I wondered about the impact all the medications I took had on my conditions. Of course I was taking all of them for the Fibromyalgia but I still wondered. I took a lot of pain medication. When I finally hit the bottom and knew changes had to happen I was so terrified of what my body would do off the narcotics. My body had become addicted to the medication and was amplifying my pain for more medication. A very, very dangerous cycle. Hurt take a pill, still hurt, take another pill. I should be dead.  So off I went for 7 weeks of detox, withdrawals, therapy and healthy living. After a few days my little fibro muscles started to settle down and with it that awful deep endless pain. I was feeling better. My mind was clearing and I was feeling a little bit of hope. It was the hardest thing I have ever done. I was so sick and my body did not want to give up those little pills. It took me over a year to finally feel like maybe this was worth it.  I do not take any medication for pain now. I do not take any of the medications I had for depression. Not even over the counter medications like ibuprofen or Tylenol. Yes, I still have fibro and some of the gifts it brings to my body. I get frustrated when I deal with the fibro fog.(cloudy thinking) I still have achy muscles and jump when someone touches one of the trigger points on my body. I have also learned that IF I do not do some form of exercise for a few days that the deeper pain tries to come for a visit. Only for a day or two though. I will fight as hard as I can to not take him back as a full time roommate. I did not enjoy his company at all.


  1. So glad you took control of your body, your life and now you are telling all of us!!!

  2. Hey, I think Shelly Warner, Leo's daughter, had fibromyalgia, too. Does it run in families? Anyway, you're my hero.
